My Gym Pet Peeves.

My Gym Pet Peeves.

Anyone who goes to the gym on a regular basis, has some pet peeves which really bother you and just take you out of your concentration. So h...

The Quickest Salad.

The Quickest Salad.

I do love my salads. To be completely fair, I would eat a salad every single day of the week if I could, but variation is nice as well. Tod...

Getting Motivated for a Morning Gym Session.

Getting Motivated for a Morning Gym Session.

I love to kick my day off with a killer workout, but I know - and understand - that some people prefer to lay underneath the sheets for jus...

Chewy Granola Bites.

Chewy Granola Bites.

I do love a bit of chocolate, I do, but I don't want to feel guilty when I faceplant into it. Last week, I decided to do some baking, bu...

Hi, and welcome to Fit Food Road!

Hi, and welcome to Fit Food Road!

I am so excited to welcome you all to my brand new blog: Fit Food Road. In today's very first post - how exciting does that sound?! - I&...